Poetry ID

Home of the North Hertfordshire Stanza of the Poetry Society (UK)

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Poetry ID and Herts & Ware Book Festival 18 & 19 May

Jonathan Wonham (of Poetry ID) and his Drizzle-Dazzle books will be at both the Herts Book Festival on the Saturday in Hertford and at Ware on Sunday.

Poetry ID Books will have a space at the Ware event on the Sunday, held in the Southern Maltings, Kibes Lane, Ware.

Open 10-4pm and free entrance.     

Lots of other events scheduled through the day at both Hertford and Ware.

Will Poetry ID have their latest anthology, Hold Your Fire ?     

It’s a close run thing, but we will be launching it officially on 20th June at David’s Bookshop Cafe, 7pm.

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Anthologies on display in April and May 2024

Poetry ID had a stall at the Free Verse Book and Magazine Fair, organised by The Poetry Society for small poetry publishers on Saturday 20th April 2024.

Poetry ID anthologies were displayed and for sale at this very busy event of nearly 80 stalls, in St Columba’s Church, London SW1.  This was the first time we have attended.

In addition to our 10 available anthologies, we had five of Jonathan Wonham’s Drizzle-Dazzle titles, Simon Cockle’s ‘River Lane,’ and several books by Francis McDonnell and Barrie Kemp. During the busy day there were a couple of events and when stalls closed for business, two hours for poetry reading and poetical mingling, plus a bar. A great occasion for meeting our poetical counterparts..

Yuko, Jonathan, Barrie and I, took turns in talking with those that stopped at Poetry ID’s table and making our own journeys through the crowds and publishers being tempted to buy as well as many a chat.

Additionally, we will have a bookstall at Ware, Southern Maltings, on Sunday 19th May. This is the first year for Herts Book Festival to hold an event in Ware for local author  ‘bookstalls,’ of any published style, to have the chance to sell and talk about their work directly to the public and each other.

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National Poetry Day 5th October, 2023

Poetry ID hosted a very successfu event  on the evening of the UK’s National Poetry Day.

Thanks to Hitchin Library, the so helpful librarian and her staff for a great setting for poetry.

Surrounded by shelves of books (fiction of all genres), the MC, Barrie Kemp introduced the members of Poetry ID and the additional ‘open-micers’ throughout the evening.

Both halves of the evening saw sixteen performers with poems on the main theme of ‘Refuge’ and the sub-theme of ‘Sustainability’ with some lovely balanced poems on more general subjects. In the second half some readers returned with their own choices. 

Poems ranged from the serious, the political, thoughtful, enticing, family, humorous and intriguing.

The evening celebrated the complexity and courage of people and their ability to create; to appreciate each other as individual poets and as an audience.

No, I am not dragging any poem into the spotlight, maybe mentioning that the poem ‘FAQs’ by Stuart Haden was read by Jonathan Wonham in Stuart’s absence.  In the second half there some read again, here we had some lighter moments that gave some smiles, solid laughs and helpe finish the evening on a happier note.

We had just enough chairs out for the nearly thirty people attending. There must have been fifty or so poems read, mostly composed by their readers. The short break enabled people to have a drink and or biscuit etc while they chatted, mingled, and met old friends.

All in all a great evening to air and listen to wide-ranging poetry on National Poetry Day.

Special, thanks to all the poets and audience who attended. See you next year?